Quickstart ========== If you want to get rolling with Liara right away, here's a quickstart guide to get you started. Installation ------------ After obtaining `pip `_, use: .. code:: bash pip install Liara The Liara installation can be customized by adding extras to the installation. Extra features are: * ``redis``: Enables the Redis cache backend. For instance, if you want to install Liara with Redis support, you would install ``liara[redis]``. Create a project ---------------- Installing Liara deploys the command-line runner ``liara``, which is your entry point for all future operations. To get started, create a new folder somewhere and run: .. code:: bash liara quickstart This will deploy the required scaffolding for a super-simple blog, which we'll use throughout this guide. Build the site -------------- From the main directory, run ``liara build`` to build the site. The site will be generated in an ``output`` subdirectory by default. Preview the site ---------------- Run ``liara serve`` to run a local web-server which will show the page. You can edit pages and templates while in this mode and hit refresh to see updates. You cannot add/remove content or change meta-data while running the interactive server though. By default, the ``serve`` command will open a server that listens on port 8080 and will open your configured browser. This can be configured from the command line. Exploring the quick-start template ---------------------------------- The quickstart produces a bunch of folders and files: * ``content`` holds the content, which for the quickstart sample consists of a few blog posts. See :doc:`content/content` for more details on how to structure the content. * ``templates`` holds the template files. The quickstart sample uses `Jinja2 `_ for its templates, but you can select the template engine using the command line to use `Mako `_ instead. ``default.yaml`` in that folder contains the default routes for the templates. See :doc:`publish/templates` for more information on how to use templates. * ``generators`` contains a sample generator to create new blog posts. See :doc:`content/generators` for more information. * A few :ref:`configuration files `.