
Liara can generate indices for Collections, for instance, to create a post archive. This is a two step process – first, a collection needs to be defined, then, an index can be built on top of that collection.


An index definition consists of:

  • collection: The name of the collection that is to be indexed.

  • group_by: One or more grouping statements. At least one grouping statement must be present. If the metadata is missing, an error will be raised. Use exclude_without if you want to remove items which don’t have certain metadata fields. Multiple fields can be specified by using a list.

  • path: The output path. The output path must contain one numbered placeholder (%1, %2, etc.) per group_by entry.

  • exclude_without: Optionally exclude nodes without the specified metadata field(s). Multiple fields can be specified by using a list.

  • create_top_level_index: Optionally, create an index node for the top-level path.

For example:

- collection: 'blog'
  group_by: ['date.year']
  path: '/blog/archive/%1'

This snippet defines a new index which groups based on the metadata field date.year, and produces paths of the form /blog/archive/2017 etc. Multiple group-by fields can be used, in which case the collection will process them in turn. I.e. if grouped by year, month, first, all entries would get grouped by year, and then the entries in each separate year would get grouped by month. This requires two path components %1 and %2 to work, which will be consumed by each group in order.

A special syntax can be used for set-like fields, for instance tags. By adding a leading *, the group gets splatted into separate keys. For example, a page with a metadata field tags with the value a, b, grouped by ['*tags'] and using a path /tags/%1 will be available under both /tags/a and /tags/b.

With create_top_level_index, /blog/archive will be also an index node that can be targeted by templates. Otherwise, only paths below /blog/archive will be created.

An index node will reference both pages and index nodes (for top level indices). References will strictly reference nodes created by the index.


Indices can be targeted from Templates. An index node generated from an index will have the references attribute set, which allows iterating over all referenced nodes.

Additionally, the current grouping key will be available as page metadata in the key field. In the example above, as the grouping is by date.year, the key would contain the year.

For top-level indices, an additional metadata field top_level_index is created and set to True. This can be used to target top level indices from templates.