
Module Contents



Base class for query selection filters.


Filter items which contain a specific metadata field and optionally check if that field matches the provided value.


Filter items by a specific tag, this expects a metadata field named tags to be present, and that field must support checks for containment using in.


Filter items by a provided pattern. The pattern is matched against the path. If it matches, the item will be ignored.


Filter items based on the node kind. Use exclude to invert.


Base class for query sorters.


Sort nodes by metadata.


A query modifies a list of nodes, by sorting and filtering entries.


class liara.query.SelectionFilter

Bases: abc.ABC

Base class for query selection filters.

abstract match(node: liara.nodes.Node) bool

Return True if the node should be kept, else False.

class liara.query.MetadataFilter(name, value=None)

Bases: liara.query.SelectionFilter

Filter items which contain a specific metadata field and optionally check if that field matches the provided value.


match(node: liara.nodes.Node) bool
class liara.query.TagFilter(name)

Bases: liara.query.SelectionFilter

Filter items by a specific tag, this expects a metadata field named tags to be present, and that field must support checks for containment using in.


match(node: liara.nodes.Node) bool
class liara.query.ExcludeFilter(pattern)

Bases: liara.query.SelectionFilter

Filter items by a provided pattern. The pattern is matched against the path. If it matches, the item will be ignored.


match(node: liara.nodes.Node) bool
class liara.query.NodeKindFilter(kinds, *, exclude=False)

Bases: liara.query.SelectionFilter

Filter items based on the node kind. Use exclude to invert.

Added in version 2.4.


match(node: liara.nodes.Node) bool
class liara.query.Sorter(reverse=False)

Bases: abc.ABC

Base class for query sorters.


abstract get_key(item: liara.nodes.Node)

Return the key to be used for sorting.

property reverse: bool

Returns True if the sort order should be reversed.

class liara.query.MetadataSorter(item: str, reverse=False, case_sensitive=False)

Bases: liara.query.Sorter

Sort nodes by metadata.


get_key(item: liara.nodes.Node)
class liara.query.Query(nodes: Iterable[liara.nodes.Node])

Bases: typing.Iterable[typing.Union[liara.nodes.Node, liara.template.Page]]

A query modifies a list of nodes, by sorting and filtering entries.

Sorting requires the sort key to be present on all nodes that are to be sorted, otherwise an error is raised. Nodes without a particular key can be filtered out using with_metadata().

Index and document nodes will be wrapped in a Page instance. Everything else will be returned as a Node.


Create a query object for the list of specified nodes.

limit(limit: int) liara.query.Query

Limit this query to return at most limit results.

with_metadata(name, value=None) liara.query.Query

Limit this query to only include nodes which contain the specific metadata field.


value – If value is provided, the field must exist and match the provided value.

with_tag(name) liara.query.Query

Limit this query to only include nodes with a metadata field named tags which contains the specified tag name.

exclude(pattern) liara.query.Query

Exclude nodes matching the provided regex pattern. The pattern will be applied to the full path.


This means that a pattern of a for example will match a path like bar, as a is found inside bar. If you want to match the specific regular expression and not allow for matches within, use ^/a$.

without_node_kinds(*args) liara.query.Query

Excludes nodes of a specific type. Multiple kinds can be passed in.

Added in version 2.4.

with_node_kinds(*args) liara.query.Query

Includes nodes of a specific type. Multiple kinds can be passed in.

Added in version 2.4.

sorted_by_title(*, reverse=False) liara.query.Query

Sort the entries in this query by the metadata field title.

sorted_by_date(*, reverse=False) liara.query.Query

Sort the entries in this query by the metadata field date.

sorted_by_metadata(tag: str, *, reverse=False, case_sensitive=False) liara.query.Query

Sort the entries in this query by the specified metadata field.

reversed() liara.query.Query

Return the results of this query in reversed order.