
Module Contents








Jinja2 based template repository.


A wrapper around DocumentNode and IndexNode for use inside templates.


A wrapper around Site for use inside templates.


class liara.template.Template(template_path='<unknown>')

Bases: abc.ABC

property path
abstract render(**kwargs) str
class liara.template.TemplateRepository(paths: Dict[str, str])

Bases: abc.ABC

update_paths(paths: Dict[str, str])
abstract find_template(url: pathlib.PurePosixPath, site: liara.Site) liara.template.Template
class liara.template.MakoTemplate(template, template_path)

Bases: liara.template.Template

render(**kwargs) str
class liara.template.MakoTemplateRepository(paths: Dict[str, str], path: pathlib.Path)

Bases: liara.template.TemplateRepository

find_template(url: pathlib.PurePosixPath, site: liara.Site) liara.template.Template
class liara.template.Jinja2Template(template, template_path)

Bases: liara.template.Template

render(**kwargs) str
class liara.template.Jinja2TemplateRepository(paths: Dict[str, str], path: pathlib.Path, cache: Optional[liara.cache.Cache] = None, *, options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None)

Bases: liara.template.TemplateRepository

Jinja2 based template repository.


find_template(url: pathlib.PurePosixPath, site: liara.Site) liara.template.Template
class liara.template.Page(node)

A wrapper around DocumentNode and IndexNode for use inside templates.

Templates only get applied to those node types, and the Page class provides convenience accessors while hiding the underlying node from template code.


property content: str

Provides the content of this page.

property url: str

Provides the current path of this page.

property meta: types.MappingProxyType[str, Any]

Provides the metadata associated with this page.

Deprecated since version 2.1.2: Use metadata instead.

Changed in version 2.6.2: Made read-only

property metadata: types.MappingProxyType[str, Any]

Provides the metadata associated with this page.

Added in version 2.1.2.

Changed in version 2.6.2: Made read-only

property references: liara.query.Query

Provides the list of referenced nodes by this page.

This can be only used if the current page is an IndexNode, in all other cases this will fail. For index nodes, this will return the list of references as a Query instance.

property children: liara.query.Query

Return all child pages of this page, i.e. document and index nodes.

Added in version 2.4.

class liara.template.SiteTemplateProxy(site: liara.Site)

A wrapper around Site for use inside templates.


property data: types.MappingProxyType[str, Any]

Get the union of all liara.nodes.DataNode instances in this site.

Changed in version 2.6.2: Made read-only Before 2.6.2, this dictionary could be modified, but that was always an unsafe operation.

property metadata: types.MappingProxyType[str, Any]

Provide access to the metadata of this site.

Changed in version 2.6.2: Made read-only Before 2.6.2, this dictionary could be modified, but that was always an unsafe operation.

select(query) liara.query.Query

Run a query on this site. Returns any node matching the query.

select_pages(query) liara.query.Query

Run a query on this site and return only matching pages, i.e. document and index nodes.

Added in version 2.4.

get_page_by_url(url) Optional[liara.template.Page]

Return a page by URL. If the page cannot be found, return None.

get_previous_in_collection(collection: str, page: liara.template.Page) Optional[liara.template.Page]

Given a collection and a page, return the previous page in this collection or None if this is the first page.

get_next_in_collection(collection: str, page: liara.template.Page) Optional[liara.template.Page]

Given a collection and a page, return the next page in this collection or None if this is the last page.

get_collection(collection: str) liara.query.Query

Get a collection in form of a liara.query.Query for further filtering/sorting.